Sunday, 11 March 2012

Day 0

I've been on this training mission since early October and been  this blog for a while.It was thanks to a fellow maffer's encouragement that I thought 'now is the time'

It could take more than a year..Gulp!

There are basically 2 Phases.

Phase 1(Base)

Run aerobically for as long as you keep improving.When you stop improving ie start to get slower you move on to Phase 2.

Phase 2(Race,Intervals)

Run aerobically but add 1or 2 anaerobic runs a week or just race as long as you keep improving. When you stop improving ie start to get slower you go back to Phase 1.. and so on and so on .

Question time!

Q.What is running aerobically?

A.You are running aerobically when the amount of oxygen you breath in is greater than the carbon dioxide you breath out .This apparently is using predominately fat as an energy source.
The benefits are improvements in performance, reduction in body fat,balanced muscles and supported joints with improved immunity.

Q.How does one  run aerobically .

A.According to Dr P.Maffetone you should train at a heart rate of 180-your age(Maf) and below..never ever ever ever  run above Maf during the aerobic phase(Base).It is not negotiable see details here

How does one run anaerobically?

A.Anything above heart rate 180-age is anaerobic

Q.Does this type of training work?


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